Posted 16.07.14

CIPD Report – how employers are using social media
Following companies and organisations including Marks and Spencer and Devon and Cornwall Police, a CIPD research report looks at their journey with social media and how it has affected all aspects of their business and employee relationships.
The full detailed report, “Putting social media to work: lessons from employers” is available to download from the CIPD website. It looks at how the organisations have used social media in their operations and the benefits it has brought to corporate communications, employee relations and developing a shared purpose. Altogether 7 different organisations were followed.
For employee conversations, using gated social networks was explored in addition to the usual social media platforms: ‘Social media in general is an open, discursive and dynamic channel that draws employees into discussions about their organisations..gated enterprise social networks provide a safe place for such online conversations. Read the full CIPD report for more insight on employers using social media.
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