
Posted 10.07.17

How to interview perfectly in 10 minutes

With fierce competition for jobs in the marketing sector, it’s never been more important to create a good first impression at interview. In fact, statistics show that you probably have a maximum of 10 minutes to make the best impression you can.

Here are a few ways in which you can make the most of that all-too-brief window of opportunity in front of the recruiter.

First impressions

The first 10 seconds of your interview could make or break your chances of getting the job. Dress appropriately for the role, practise making your handshake confident and firm, and keep your body language positive. This ensures that you send a clear message to the recruiter; “I can do this job; I’m enthusiastic, positive, and confident. Hire me!”

Short and sweet

The interviewer doesn’t want your life history. Keep your answers and points short and to the point, focussing on your most recent marketing role, your biggest achievements and any relevant experience in their particular field.

Effective listening

Before you attend for interview, research the company fully so that you understand their business model and where the role for which you’re applying fits in. Listen very carefully to the interviewer’s questions and make sure you answer fully, succinctly, and from an informed position.

Be a ‘STAR’

One good way of ensuring that you give good answers to questions put to you during an interview is to use the ‘STAR’ strategy. ‘STAR’ stands for:

  • Situation
  • Task
  • Action
  • Results

When answering a question, explain how you handled a situation in a previous marketing role, describe the task concerned, explain the action that you used, and then outline the result (choosing an example with a measurable outcome is always best). This technique prevents you from heading off at a tangent and wasting time getting to the point.

Show, don’t tell

Use stories to illustrate your marketing career successes and accomplishments, being careful to keep your anecdotes directly related to the position for which you are interviewing.

Securing your next role

Marketing jobs are hotly contested and you must use your ten-minute interview slot to best advantage to secure yourself a place on the shortlist. Come across as smart, confident, enthusiastic, and able to answer questions fully and succinctly, and you’re half way there. If you’re ready to find your next role, get in touch.

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