Posted 02.07.14

UK Creative Industries – International Strategy
Last week saw the launch of the UK Trade and Investments strategy for export. We are a growing and important sector for export and it’s finally being recognised.
This report lays out an ambitious five-year plan to double the UK’s creative exports and grow by 50% the UK’s global share of inbound foreign direct investment in creative sectors by 2020. For more information visit www.thecreativeindustries.co.uk
Did you know:
The creative industries accounts for some 1.68m UK jobs – approximately 5.6 per cent of all UK jobs, outgrowing the rest of the UK economy.
GVA (gross value added) of the Creative Industries was £71.4 billion in 2012 and accounted for 5.2 per cent of the UK Economy.
GVA of the Creative Industries increased by 9.4 per cent between 2011 and 2012, higher than for any of the other main UK industry sectors.
The value of services exported by the Creative Industries was £15.5 billion in 2011, 8.0 per cent of total UK service exports.
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