Voice search – an easy win for your CV
As digital marketers, we are forced to keep up to date with emerging trends and the latest and greatest marketing changes. It’s a fast-paced industry and it can be difficult to stand out. However, one of the key trends that has been identified as showing no sign of slowing down is voice search – and […]
Be seen at the right 2018 digital marketing events
Whatever your marketing career stage or path, the increasing focus on digital collaboration, remote working and online training can mean missing out on some very useful networking events. Every senior marketing or designer also knows that the next job or opportunity could be just around the corner, which is why being seen at events is […]
Will marketers become more accountable in 2018?
It’s generally accepted that the world marketers are moving into this year is one that is, in some ways, financially unstable. Some of the world’s biggest media agencies, including the likes of Zenith Optimedia and GroupM have significantly lowered their profit forecasts, and there is also a general slowing of revenue growth elsewhere in the […]